How to Deliver in Brazil - GEO review

How to Deliver in Brazil - GEO review

And again, your favorite section — GEO review.
Hello everyone, this is Adheart! Today we are reviewing Brazil — the land of football, carnivals, and of course, casinos. By the way, no one in our chat has paid attention to this geo, and that's a shame. Here’s why.


Funny news, isn’t it? Yes, it came out months ago, but… We’ve been observing Brazil for several years now, and a similar situation has always been present there, more or less. The people are extremely gambling-oriented. This means that this country deserves the attention of affiliate marketers, especially since there are plenty of offers in various affiliate programs!

Introduction to GEO

It is known that in Brazil they speak a Brazilian variant of English. However, not everyone knows that locals have very limited speaking skills in English. Therefore, everything — from creatives to landing pages and applications — is translated into Brazilian Portuguese.

  • Currency: Brazilian Real (R)
  • Domain: .br
  • Time zone: UTC-3
  • Active internet users: 165 million (about 78% of the population)
  • Active social media users: 149 million (about 70% of the population)
  • Mobile operating systems: iOS — 19%, Android — 81%
  • Mobile operators: Vivo, Claro, TIM, Oi
  • Popular payment systems: PicPay, PagSeguro, Mercado Pago
  • Popular social networks and messengers: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok.

The average salary in the country varies greatly from region to region. On average, for 2024, it is 8560 reais = $1750. Here’s a list of cities in the country with the highest salaries.

1 usd = 5.56 brl (04.09.2024)

As for diseases, the most common health issues in the country are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, fungal and parasitic infections. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in demand for beauty services in Brazil — rejuvenation, skincare, cosmetics.

At the end of 2023, online casinos and betting were legalized, leading to significant growth in the gambling and betting industry. It is expected that this year alone, the government will receive nearly $2 billion from taxes on online casinos.

What to deliver in Brazil?

As we can see, Brazil is fertile ground for both gambling offers and various health-related products. Let’s look at the popularity of gambling, betting, and nutrition products using the Answerthepublic service.

Weight loss. There are very few queries. The most common search “lose weight quickly” receives only 50 searches over the last 30 days.


There is much more interest in varicose veins — a total of 74 thousand queries in the last month.


Not far behind varicose veins is hypertension (high blood pressure) — 60.5 thousand queries per month.


The maximum volume of queries from Brazil regarding diabetes is 135K per month. The main queries include “type 1 and type 2 diabetes,” “how diabetes starts,” and “how it kills.”


Online casinos are not far behind diabetes in terms of queries.


However, clicks in this area are quite expensive.

Approaches and creatives

Despite not being very popular across the country, as of August 2024, there is quite a bit of advertising for weight loss on Facebook. Clinics, dietitians, as well as offers for “miracle products” and other.

The most popular approach is a step-by-step schedule of effects from the product.


On the left: “Are you ready to radically change your body and your life? Discover our product and achieve effective results without crazy diets and lose weight quickly with New Detox!”

On the right:

“Day 1 – Beginning of change
Day 2 – Metabolism speed increases.
Day 3 – Better mood, better sleep.
Day 4 – Less stress, more confidence.
Day 5 – Fight food cravings.
Day 6 – Visible results in just 4 weeks!”

A similar situation exists with varicose veins; however, there are significantly fewer offers advertised for varicose veins compared to weight loss. Instead, there are more ads for private doctors and clinics in this area.


The third creative on the right:

“+Improves blood circulation
+Against leg swelling and water retention
+Reduces varicose veins and cellulite.

It would be good to consider the creative on the left in a larger scale.


By the way, we remind you that any foreign creative can be easily translated in ChatGPT (if you don't know the language and don't want to type the text from the image into a translator).

Next, let’s move on to diabetes. The creatives are usually videos that describe how the product works. However, the advertisement is often accompanied by text as well.


On the left: “I suffered from stage 3 fatty liver disease until I discovered this treatment that changed my life. Ozeias helped me a lot, and thank God, today I live much better using Fignar. Learn more...”

In the center: “LAST UNITS
This is your last chance to solve this problem once and for all!”

On the right: “Prediabetes or diabetes?
Then this is for you!

Discover AGROA HIPOGLICO, the best medicine for lowering and stabilizing glucose.”

As for gambling and betting, they are usually advertised with videos where a guy/girl in a luxurious location talks about how you can win and that there are certain formulas for luck. Less frequently, images of bonuses or free spins are shown.


We also noticed that occasionally on Facebook, advertisements for potency and male enhancement products pop up.


General rules for creatives targeting Brazil:

- Only Brazilian Portuguese language;
- National currency;
- Faces that closely resemble Brazilians.

Overall, judging by the abundance of video creatives, we concluded that Brazilian residents prefer dynamic videos over static images, and this applies to all themes.

Regarding accounts, Brazilian traffic works well with kings, farms, and author accounts from the USA and France. Yes, in terms of purchasing accounts, Brazil is not the cheapest geo; however, traffic there is inexpensive, so the costs for accounts are compensated. We recommend buying accounts from our shop.

In conclusion

It would be good to mention the case with NineCasino. Here, the Syndicate team shared what traffic sources and accounts they used, as well as detailed their creatives. The information from the case is still relevant, so if you are considering Brazil, it is a must-read.

That’s all for now. Subscribe to our channel and join the chat — there’s much more material there. In particular, we analyze and discuss creatives, including those for Brazil.