Guide to creating an effective white page for advertising on Facebook and Google Ads
How to create a white page, what content should it be filled with and what rules need to be followed so that the moderator does not have the slightest doubt.

Each affiliate marketer faced shady offers in their work. Sometimes such offers are apparently black, sometimes they are common and regular, but moderators may look at them askance. It’s not easy to deal with these offers, and you need to constantly come up with various life hacks.
One of the appropriate methods is a white page - a landing page that is seen by advertising platform moderators or campaign verification bots. Such pages help to bypass restrictions on platforms related to advertising of prohibited goods: betting, gaming, adult content. Also, white pages are often created to promote crypto. Even though this is a legal tool, it cannot be advertised on all platforms. In general, many affiliate marketers eventually begin to create a white page even for common products, because moderation is so nontransparent at times that even a “white” offer cannot always pass it.
Let's see how to create a white page, what content should it be filled with and what rules need to be followed so that the moderator does not have the slightest doubt.
Black page is a page with an offer, which clients should end up with. The white page only contains content that does not contradict the advertising policy of the site. Here is an interesting point: how to make sure that the buyer sees the advertised product, and the moderator sees something cute, kind and bright only. For these purposes, webmasters use cloaking. This is a tool for distributing traffic depending on the visitor data. Based on the digital footprint, users will be taken to a white page or to a page with an offer.
Cloaking is a grey method in affiliate marketing, and an advertising account can be blocked for using it. Therefore, you need to accurately check the settings and work on the white page so that the moderators do not suspect fraud. But when creating a black page, you need to think exclusively about promoting the product and service, maximally adjusting it to the offer.
How to create a White page
Since the main task of such landing pages is to bypass moderation, first of all you need to try your best to make sure that it meets all the requirements of the advertising platform. Add mandatory sections to the page with the privacy policy and the rules for personal data processing. There are many ready-made standard documents on the Internet that you can just copy. The main thing is not to forget to check the texts so that there is no such phrases as “this agreement was drawn up in...”.
Prepare unique content. Writing texts, creating visuals and design is quite a troubling process, especially considering that this is a one-use task for moderation passing. But this is where a content generation tool comes to the rescue. These are already well-known chat bots and text generators. You can take ready-made articles from other websites, but it’s worth running them through a synonymizer to increase their uniqueness. Then, stock photos and pictures can be added.
Use a reliable domain and buy accounts for Facebook on trusted sites.
White page contents:
1. Texts on the page must be neutral and not violate the rules of the platform.
2. The language must match the geolocation in which you are going to launch an advertising campaign.
3. Perform basic on-page optimization. The landing page should load quickly, it should not contain broken links, and the content should be displayed correctly on different devices.
4. Choose a passable design that matches the content. The discrepancy between the appearance and texts can confuse the moderator.
White Page using Spy services
Instead of creating your own white page, you can take a ready-made one. In addition, it has already been moderated, which means there is no need to worry about checking the content. However, there is also something to tinker with here. Sooner or later, such pages become outdated, moderation rules change over time, and the white page template that previously worked may now not pass moderation. So you need to periodically update and use new ones.
Options for quickly creating a White page
You can download a ready-made page and modify it for yourself. There are several options here.
You can download a page through the Google Chrome extension Webcrapbook or Capture Page. After downloading the website, you need to adjust it for yourself, remove references to other brands and delete everything unnecessary. You can still do this through Google Chrome. After finding the desired website, click on the button with three dots in the upper right corner of the browser; select “Other tools” → “Developer tools”. A tab with the page code will open, and then you can select any block on the website and it will be highlighted in the code, after which you just delete the lines that are unnecessary for you.
This option is suitable for copying small websites and landing pages. However, everything is done manually and furthermore you need to find an online store that suits you. But it's free.
You can go the other way and generate a white page to suit your needs. In the generator settings, you can select the website language, the appropriate design, etc. It’s very fast, and you can create large websites, not just landing pages, however this is a paid service.
Downloading from web archive. On the website you can find and then download an appropriate website. In the search bar, enter keywords for your offer, select the desired website from the resulting list, and then select the desired date and time in the calendar with the website’s archives, after which the version of the website you need will open. It’ll only remain to adjust it for your own purposes.
Cloaking for Google Ads
The rules for Google are slightly different, but in some ways it’s even simpler. For example, an offer can pass for white if it does not violate the Google Ads rules (no redirect to prohibited products). Instead of creating a separate black page, you can just create a loadable frame in which the offer you need will be displayed.
Online cloaking services, such as Keitaro, can also be used. But again, it's not free.
Substitution is a reliable tool for promoting grey and black offers, but it is not a five-minute affair. Each white page needs to be tested, updated on time and constantly adjusted to new changes in advertising platforms.